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Quiz Time:
- What government contracting method generates over $27 billion in annual business?
- What contract segment is broad enough to include IT solutions, professional solutions, logistic services, and more?
- What contracting program actually has a list of contracts designated as “Best in Class”?
If you don’t know the answers to these questions, your company is likely losing out on government business. Federal agency use of Government Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWAC’s) is soaring. Programs such as OASIS+, Alliant3, CIOSP IV, and Seaport NxG are changing the way the government buys all types of IT and service solutions. Not having access to these contracts can cost your company. It takes skill, though, to not only obtain one of these contracts, but a whole different set of skills to actually land business. Learn tips of the trade from an expert in the field and have fun along the way.
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