Season 10: Episode 14 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our first thirteen Episodes of Fun with the FAR Season 10!
Our next session will cover FAR Part 22 & FAR Part 23: FAR Part 22 (Application of Labor Laws to Government Acquisitions) and FAR Part 23 (Env’t, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renewable Energy Techs., Occupational Safety, and Drug-Free Workplace

  • Agencies shall remain impartial concerning any dispute between labor and contractor management and not undertake the conciliation, mediation, or arbitration of a labor dispute. FAR 22.101-1(b)(1).
  • As a general rule, contractors are required to perform contracts, so far as practicable, without using overtime. FAR 22.103-2.
  • CO approval of payment of overtime premiums is required for time-and-material and labor- hour contracts but is not required for paying premiums under other types of contracts (such as cost reimbursement contracts). FAR 22.103-4(c) and (d).
  • Unless included in an exempt category (see FAR 22.1903(b)(2)), all workers performing on or “in connection with” a federal government contract must be paid at least $15.00/hour. FAR 22.1902.
  • The requirement of E.O. 11246 and thus the FAR Equal Employment Opportunity clause set forth at FAR 52.222-26 are not applicable to prime contractors or subcontractors performing work outside of the U.S. if employees were recruited outside of the U.S. FAR 22.807(b)(2).
  • Under the Government’s E-Verify program, federal contractors must enroll either all new employees (within 3 business days after the date of hire) or employees assigned to the federal government contract (within 30 days after being assigned to the contract). FAR 52.222-54(b)(ii) and (iii).
  • The Drug Free Workplace Act clause set forth at FAR 52.223-6 is not required in contracts for the acquisition of commercial items or work performed outside the United States and its outlying areas. FAR 23.501.

We look forward to you joining us for Episode 14, which will cover FAR Part 22 & FAR Part 23!
Included here is the link to our Fun with the FAR program:

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