Season 10: Episode 3 ” FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our first two Episodes of Fun with the FAR Season 10!
Our next session will cover: Part 5 (Publicizing Contract Actions) and Part 6 (Competition Requirements)
As we prepare for next week’s third episode of Season 10, here are a few FAR Facts for us to think about:

  • An award of a government contract to a single contractor government is required to be published
    only if (i) the value of the contract exceeds $25,000 and (ii) the contract is likely to result in the
    award of subcontracts. FAR 5.301.
  • FAR 5.207 lists the content required in the publication of a synopsis.
  • For proposed contract actions estimated to be greater than $25,000 but less than the simplified
    acquisition threshold ($250,000), the contracting officer should consider the totality of the
    circumstances—such as the complexity, commerciality, availability, and urgency—when establishing
    the solicitation response time. FAR 5.203(b).
  • The Government is required to publicize justifications and approvals (J&A) for other than full and open competitions (including limited source justifications and justifications to not provide for fair opportunity to compete for task orders). FAR 5.406. However, such J&As do not need to be publicized until AFTER contract award. FAR 6.305.
  • Sole source contracts justified by the “Unusual and compelling urgency” exception to FAR Part 6 may not exceed one year, unless the head of the agency entering into the contract determines that exceptional circumstances apply.” FAR 6.302-2(d)(ii)
  • Advocates for competition are charged with responsibilities to not only promote competition but also to promote the acquisition of commercial items. FAR 6.502(a).

We look forward to you joining us for Episode 3, which will cover FAR Part 5 & FAR Part 6!
Included here is the link to our Fun with the FAR program:

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