Happy New Years to all our FUN with the FAR℠ Family!
The season opener to Season 12 of Fun with the FAR℠ 2025 starts in one week!
On January 15th, our first episode of 2025 will cover FAR Parts 1 and 2 with our host Steve Daoust and our first guest of the season, Tim Sullivan. FAR Part 2 is one of Steve’s favorite FAR Parts because as he always says…words matter!
FAR Part 1: Federal Acquisition Regulation System
FAR Part 2: Definitions and Words & Terms
As we prepare for our 1st episode of Season 12, here are a few Episode 1 FAR Facts for us to think about:
- The FAR is issued as Chapter 1 of Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
- The current and prior versions of the FAR can be found online at www.acquisition.gov
- The ultimate customer of any Government contract is the American taxpayer.
- Contractors should NOT only rely upon FAR 2.101 when determining the definition of words included in a solicitation or contract. Definitions of words that are different from those set forth at FAR 2.101 may be set forth in the body of the solicitation or in another section of the FAR. FAR 52.202-1(a) and (c).
- The word “should” as defined in FAR 2.101 means an “expected course of action or policy” and is not considered an “imperative.” FAR 2.101.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Work Hard, Play Fair & Go FARther!