Happy New Years to all our FUN with the FAR℠ Family!
On January 29th, our second episode of 2025 will cover FAR Part 3 with our host Steve Daoust. Our guest for this episode will be Todd Canni!
FAR Part 3: Improper Business Practices and Personal Conflicts of Interest
As we prepare for our 2nd episode of Season 12, here are a few Episode 2 FAR Facts for us to think about:
- Simply requesting a gift, gratuity, or anything of monetary value from a contractor who has or is seeking “Government business” with the employee’s agency will constitute a violation of the FAR’s gift regulations. FAR 3.101-2.
- The person signing a contractor’s Certificate of Independent Pricing must be the person within the contractor’s organization who is “responsible for determining the prices being offered.” FAR 52.203-2(b)(1).
- Government contractor employees are protected from being terminated, demoted or otherwise discriminated against as a result of their disclosing “a substantial violation of law” related to a contract (including the competition or negotiation of a contract) to (i) a member of Congress, (ii) an authorized agency official, or (iii) the DoJ. This is commonly known as “whistleblower protection.” FAR 3.903 and 52.203-17. [Note: The DFARS contains much more expansive regulations concerning “whistleblower protections” and should be consulted to ensure you are in compliance whenever contracting with DoD customers. See DFARS 203.9 and 252.203-7002.]
- Personal conflicts of interest issues could arise for both Government employee and contractor employees who perform services that require the use of discretion, such as “acquisition support” services.
- The current and prior versions of the FAR can be found online at www.acquisition.gov
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Work Hard, Play Fair & Go FARther!