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PilieroMazza’s Labor & Employment for Government Contractors Team is presenting a multi-part series to help employers understand the legal and business implications of operating as a government contractor. Attorneys from the Team will share their experience and thought leadership in labor and employment-related federal and state legislation and regulations. In this series, PilieroMazza will identify hot-button issues, provide practical advice, and answer your questions.

May 11 – Workplace Policy

Employee handbooks tell employees what to expect, managers how to manage, and HR how to deal with all kinds of employee needs and benefits.  They also tell federal agencies an employer’s position regarding important topics, such as equal employment opportunity, affirmative action pay transparency, business ethics, and whistleblower reporting.  Thus, if handbooks are written or enforced improperly, they may also tell agency auditors, disgruntled employees, and plaintiff’s attorneys just where your organization is most vulnerable to claims – even class and collective action claims.

Attendees will receive:

  • The impact of federal contractor employment policies on compliance and legal exposure;
  • Practical guidance on the structure and contents of handbooks; and
  • Insight into developing and known areas of risk related to employer policies.

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