Custom Registration: Webinar and Virtual Class Bundle 2024

Custom Registration: Webinar and Virtual Class Bundle 2024


Custom Registration: Webinar and Virtual Class Bundle 2024


Product Information

PCI's 2024 Webinar and Virtual Class Bundle is a cost-effective staple for all individuals and teams. Pay one fee, and receive a massive package of high quality training. The training package spans all areas of government contracting, as well as a commitment from PCI to add additional requested topics not currently in the bundle as FREE webinars.

The FY 2024 Bundle is better than ever, with several new programs, and several of our classic series receiving updates and overhauls in the new year!

A whopping 11 series,76 sessions, plus our FREE PCI Forum webinars throughout the year.

2024 Bundle Features:

  • Complimentary Programs Throughout the Year - PCI adds programs to it's calendar throughout the year.  Bundle subscribers are invited to many of these programs at no extra cost. This nearly doubles the number of programs Bundle registrants can attend!
  • Recordings - PCI records all of its programs. Bundle registrants get access to recordings of all programs extended to Bundle registrants.
  • Remainder of 2023 - 2024 Bundle Registrants will get access to the remainder of the Bundle content for 2023. Join us early for even more content!
  • GovCon 101 Credit - Bundle attendees do not need to pay the $45 fee if they want CPE for attending one of PCI's many Free Webinars.

This year's Webinar and Virtual Class Bundle includes:

  1. Case of the Month
    Second Tuesday of the Month, 12:00-1:00pm ET
  2. Demystifying Intellectual Property in Government Contracting
    Second Wednesday of the Month, 2:00-3:30pm ET
  3. Supply Chain Symposium
    Third Wednesday of the Month, 2:00-3:30pm ET
  4. Financial Forum
    First Tuesday of the Month, Every Other Month, 2:00-3:00pm ET
  5. Cost Principles, FAR Part 31, and Direct/Indirect Overhead
    Second Thursday of the Month, 12:00-1:30pm ET
  6. Subcontract Management from A-to-Z
    Third Tuesday of the Month, 12:00-1:30pm ET
  7. Professor’s Forum
    Third Tuesday of the Month, 2:00-3:30pm ET
  8. Q&A Office Hours
    Third Thursday of the Month, 2:00-3:30pm ET
  9. GovCon Update
    Third Thursday of the Month, 2:00-3:30pm ET
  10. Cybersecurity: What Government Contractors Need to Know
    Second Thursday of the Month, 2:00-3:30pm ET
  11. Country of Origin & Buy America
    Third Thursday of the Month, 12:00-1:30pm ET

Additional information

Bundle Size

Group Up to 5, Individual Bundle