Season 10: Episode 20 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our Episode 20 FAR Facts of Fun with the FAR Season 10! Our next session will cover: FAR Parts 34 and 35. Far Part 34 covers Major System Acquisition and FAR Part 35  covers Research and Development Contracting. As we prepare for our twentieth episode of Season 10, here are a few FAR Facts for us to think about:


  • Major System Acquisitions are those programs that, as determined by the agency head, (1) are directed at and critical to fulfilling an agency mission need, (2) entail allocating relatively large resources for the particular agency, and (3) warrant special management attention, including specific agency-head decisions. FAR 34.003(c).
  • The program manager shall, throughout the acquisition process, promote full and open competition and sustain effective competition between alternative major system concepts and sources, as long as it is economically beneficial and practicable to do so. FAR 34.005.
  • The phases of a FAR Part 34 -Major System Acquisition are:
    1. Concept Exploration Contracts
    2. Demonstration Contracts
    3. Full-Scale Development Contracts
    4. Full Production
      FAR 34.005-3, -4, -5, and -6.
  • As a general rule, Contractors must submit EVMS reports to the Government on a monthly basis. FAR 34.201(c).
  • When an EVMS is required, the Government will conduct an Integrated Baseline Review (IBR). The purpose of an IBR is to verify the technical content and the realism performance budgets, resources, and schedules. FAR 34.202(b).
  • The use of cost reimbursement type contracts is “usually” appropriate for most R&D contracts. FAR 35.006(c).
  • During the negotiation of R&D contracts, the contracting officer shall obtain “complete information” concerning the prime contractor’s plans to subcontract any experimental, research, or development services required under the statement of work. FAR 35.009.
  • The National Science Foundation maintains a master list of all FFRDCs. FAR 35.017-6.

We look forward to you joining us for Episode 20 FAR Facts, Included here is the link to our Fun with the FAR program:

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