Season 10: Episode 22 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for Episode 22 of Fun with the FAR Season 10! Our next session will cover FAR Part 42 and 43. FAR Part 42 will cover Contract Administration and Audit Services and FAR Part 43 will cover Contract Modifications! As we prepare for our...

Season 10: Episode 21 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for Episode 21 of Fun with the FAR Season 10! Our next session will cover: FAR Parts 36, 37, 41 and 48. FAR Part 36 covers Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts, FAR Part 37 covers Service Contracting, FAR Part 41 will cover...

Season 10: Episode 20 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our Episode 20 FAR Facts of Fun with the FAR Season 10! Our next session will cover: FAR Parts 34 and 35. Far Part 34 covers Major System Acquisition and FAR Part 35  covers Research and Development Contracting. As we prepare for...

Season 10: Episode 19 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our Episode 19 FAR Facts of Fun with the FAR Season 10!Our next session will cover: FAR Part 33 (Protests, Disputes, and Appeals) As we prepare for our nineteenth episode of Season 10, here are a few FAR Facts for us to think...

Season 10: Episode 18 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our first seventeen Episodes of Fun with the FAR Season 10!Our next session will cover: FAR Parts 30 (Cost Accounting Standards Administration), 31 (Contract Cost Principles and Procedures), and 32 (Contract Financing) As we...