“Do You Know” whether FAR Part 6 imposes any competition requirements on prime contractors who may wish to procure services or supplies to assist in the performance of a federal prime contract?

As a general rule, the competition requirements set forth in FAR Part 6 do not govern how prime contractors procure supplies or services from subcontractors. I do know, however, that prime contractors often voluntarily adopt the rules of FAR Part 6 for purposes of...

“Do You Know” what to do when your contracting officer is too busy to answer your calls and wants to delegate authority to a contracting specialist?

Consider this scenario.  Your Contracting Officer tells you that he is too busy to manage your specific contract and suggests that, instead of calling him, you should speak to and get guidance from the assigned Contract Specialist about any problems that you may have...

Friday FUN with the FAR: Question One

Question: FAR 1.102(c)(2) provides that the Federal Acquisition System must shift its focus from “risk avoidance” and “elimination of all risk” to one of “risk management”.  Do you think this guiding principle is being fulfilled in today acquisition environment?...