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Contract closeout is a critical, but often forgotten, piece of the Contract process. This seminar will focus on what contractors need to move the close out process through to completion, efficiently and effectively. Achieving closeout will ensure final payments are made, audit issues are concluded, past performance evaluations are submitted and any open issues are resolved. Timely close out efforts result in reduced contract administration and ensure a greater likelihood that contractors still have and can provide all the documentation necessary to achieve a favorable contract close out.

Learning Objectives

  • Analyze the basic steps needed to close out a contract or task/delivery order and tips about how to accomplish them to the mutual benefit of both contractor and agency alike;
  • Identify the differences in the close out process depending upon the type of contract awarded;
  • Explain the importance of new FAR compliance requirements;
  • Discuss a real life closeout scenario situation to familiarize attendees with the process and the competing considerations.