Whether you are a contractor, subcontractor, or government employee, you must be able to understand and properly interpret the language in solicitations, contracts/subcontracts lest you risk finding yourself missing an opportunity, in a breach, a dispute, a termination and/or incurring otherwise avoidable additional costs.
The purpose of this class is to help you find success and avoid expensive mistakes through an hour-long exploration and discussion of key words and phrases set forth in FAR Part 2.101 as well as the basic rules of contract interpretation and how they play a role in some of the most important contract clauses found in every Government contract.
Who should take this seminar, you might ask? In short, anyone whose job requires the reading, use, and understanding of a FAR-based solicitation, contract, or subcontract. Given the nature of this class, this is also a great jumping-on point for anyone new to U.S. Government contracting.
So, if you are interested in expanding your knowledge on the importance of “words” and their special meaning in the FAR, come join Steve Daoust – PCI’s Host of Fun with the FAR℠ — on January 31. This class will be available as a live virtual training.
Slides: https://publiccontractinginstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/Words-Matter-2.0_1.31.24-Updated.pdf
Recording: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/9046965728589666910