FAR Facts

Season 10: Episode 21 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for Episode 21 of Fun with the FAR Season 10! Our next session will cover: FAR Parts 36, 37, 41 and 48. FAR Part 36 covers Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts, FAR Part 37 covers Service Contracting, FAR Part 41 will cover...

Season 10: Episode 20: Did You Know?

Good evening FUN with the FAR Friends! Thank you for joining us for another great episode of FUN with the FAR! Episode 20 covered: FAR Part 34 (Major System Acquisition) and FAR Part 35 (Research and Development Contracting) As a follow-up to Wednesday’s...

Season 10: Episode 20 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our Episode 20 FAR Facts of Fun with the FAR Season 10! Our next session will cover: FAR Parts 34 and 35. Far Part 34 covers Major System Acquisition and FAR Part 35  covers Research and Development Contracting. As we prepare for...

Season 10: Episode 19: Did You Know?

Good morning FUN with the FAR Friends! Thank you for joining us for another great episode of FUN with the FAR! Episode 19 covered: FAR Part 33 (Protests, Disputes, and Appeals). As a follow-up to Wednesday’s session, here are a few facts to ponder as we prepare...

Season 10: Episode 19 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our first eighteen Episodes of Fun with the FAR Season 10!Our next session will cover: FAR Part 33 (Protests, Disputes, and Appeals) As we prepare for our nineteenth episode of Season 10, here are a few FAR Facts for us to think...