Good evening FUN with the FAR Friends!
Thank you for joining us for another great episode of FUN with the FAR! Episode 21 covered: FAR Part 36 covers Construction and Architect-Engineer Contracts, FAR Part 37 covers Service Contracting, FAR Part 41 will cover Acquisition of Utility Services and FAR Part 48 covers Value Engineering.

As a follow-up to Wednesday’s session, here are a few facts to ponder as we prepare for our next session of Fun with the FAR:


For sealed bidding, contracting officers must issue pre-solicitation notices on any construction requirement if the proposed contract is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, unless this action is waived by the head of the contracting activity or authorized representative. FAR 36.213-2.


Use of uncompensated overtime in service contracts is not If it must be used, such as in contracts to acquire services on the basis of the number of hours provided, contracting officers must ensure that its use will not degrade the level of technical expertise required to fulfill the Government’s requirements. FAR 37.115-2.


Unless an acquisition is at or below the simplified acquisition threshold, agencies shall acquire utility services by a bilateral written contract. FAR 41.201(b).


There are two main value engineering approaches:

  • Incentive approach. Contractor participation in this approach is voluntary, and the contractor uses its own resources to develop and submit VECPs. FAR 48.101(b)(1).
  • Mandatory program. Contractor participation in this approach is mandatory, and the Government requires and pays for specific value engineering program effort. FAR 48.101(b)(2).