Good afternoon FUN with the FAR Friends!

Thank you for joining us for our 12th episode of Season 11! Tyler Evans was our host and Chris Wade was our guest speaker for this session, and they covered FAR Parts 17 and 18 for our twelfth episode of 2024!
FAR Part 17 (Special Contracting Methods)
FAR Part 18 (Emergency Acquisitions)

As a follow-up to Wednesday’s session, here are a few facts to ponder:


The key distinguishing difference between multi-year and multiple year contracts is that multi- year contracts buy more than one year’s requirement of a product or service without establishing and having to exercise options for each subsequent contract year after the first. FAR 17.103.
“Multi-year” contracts do not need to be fully funded at the time of award for the entire period of the contract’s performance. FAR 17.104(a). However, the funds obligated for “multi-year” contracts at the time of award and the beginning of any future contract year must be sufficient to cover the price for the services or supplies provided as well as agreed to cancellation costs or termination costs that may arise from a cancellation or termination. FAR 17.104(c).
The Government may terminate a “multi-year” contract for convenience at any time during the life of the contract, for total quantity or partial quantity. FAR 17.104(d). In the event of a termination for convenience, the Government’s obligation shall not exceed the amount specified in the contract’s Schedule as available for contract performance, plus the cancellation ceiling. FAR 17.106-1(h).
A contractor is entitled to a cancellation payment (a.k.a. “cancellation charge”) in the event the Government is unable to continue contract performance due to the unavailability of funding following the completion of the first contract year. FAR 52.217-2
Emergency acquisition flexibilities may only be used: (a) In support of a contingency operation as defined in 2.101; (b) to facilitate the defense against or recovery from nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack against the United States; or (c) when the President issues an emergency declaration, or a major disaster declaration. FAR 18.001. Available acquisition flexibilities are listed in FAR Subpart 18.1.