Hello and thank you for joining us for Episode 8 of Fun with the FAR Season 11!
In our next session, we will cover FAR Part 15 (Contracting by Negotiation)

As we prepare for our 9th episode of Season 11, here are a few FAR Facts for us to think about:

  • A contract awarded using other than sealed bidding procedures is a “negotiated ” FAR 15.000.
  • Contracting officers are required to take detailed notes during oral presentations to document what the Government relied upon for purposes of source selection. FAR 15.102(d)-(e). A best practice is for the contracting officer to tape record the oral presentation
  • Disappointed offerors are entitled to a debriefing only if they request one in writing within three (3) days of receiving notice that the contract has been awarded to another contractor. FAR 506(a)(1).
  • The Government is not required to hold in-person FAR 15.505(c).
  • During a debriefing, a disappointed offeror is entitled to obtain the following information about the winning contractor: (i) the overall evaluated cost or price (including unit prices) and (ii) the technical ranking of the winning contractor relative to the technical ranking of the debriefed offerors. FAR 15.506(d).