Public Contracting Institute Blog

The Public Contracting Institute blog supplement our govcon training offerings with insightful articles written by leading professionals across the government contracts industry.  Our  professionals publish articles on topics on government contracts administration, accounting, bids/proposals, disputes, claims, and much more.  For more inforamation about our blog, reach out to

Additionally, look for the PCI Practical Matters Podcast, coming soon!  It will cover the latest news in our industry, along with insightful commentary on the most important topics in Government Contracting.

Snooze and Lose

The Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (the “Board”) reminded the government that if it failed to raise jurisdictional issues (namely a sum certain requirement that should have been in the claim) before a hearing on the merits, it forfeited its right to...

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Season 11: Episode 10: FAR Facts

Hello and thank you for joining us for Episode 9 of Fun with the FAR Season 11! In our next session, we will cover FAR Part 15.4 (Special focus on contract pricing). As we prepare for our 10th episode of Season 11, here are a few Episode 10 FAR Facts for us to think...

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No Clarifications Required

Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) 15.306 deals with “Exchanges with offerors after receipt of proposals;” it is important to understand what is or is not required after receipt of proposals (but before selection for award), specifically pertaining to...

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Season 11: Episode 9: FAR Facts

Hello and thank you for joining us for Episode 8 of Fun with the FAR Season 11! In our next session, we will cover FAR Part 15 (Contracting by Negotiation). As we prepare for our 9th episode of Season 11, here are a few Episode 9 FAR Facts for us to think about: A...

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