Free Government Contracts Training

The Public Contracting Institute (PCI) offers of high-quality free government contracts training, all taught by established senior professionals in their field.  Programs run on topics through government contracting, and are often set up by customers upon request.  See our current free government contracts offerings below:

The GovCon 101 Series – Free Government Contracts Training

Each week in 2023 (except for those with holidays), PCI is offering a free session of GovCon 101.  GovCon 101 programs are free, and cover foundational topics within government contracting.  Topics include:

  • NAICS Codes
  • Data Rights
  • Other Transaction Authority
  • Federal Grants & the Uniform Guidance
  • Proposal Evaluations
  • Cost Type Contracting

If you need CLP or CPE credit for a session of GovCon 101, there is a $45 accreditation fee per session.  Certificates of completion are sent to all attendees at the end of the program.

The PCI Forum Webinars – Free Government Contracts Trainings

Most of the short webinar sessions in the PCI Forum are also offered free.  Programs in the PCI Forum tend  to be on a specific topic.  Many PCI Forum topics are free, but if you need CLP or CPE credit, there is a $45 accreditation fee per session.

If you would like to see a topic added to the PCI, do not hesitate to send an email, and he will work to see it added to our programming schedule.

If you want access to a recorded training that we offered free, do not hesitate to email, and she will send you a link to the recording.

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