- FAR Part 8 sets out the priorities for use of certain mandatory sources, such as the Federal Prisons Industry (FPI) and the AbilityOne Program. FAR 8.002.
- FAR Part 4 only governs GSA procurement practices as it relates to purchases under the GSA Federal Supply Schedule Program.
- An ordering activity may award a BPA or order on a sole source or limit source basis if it can demonstrate that (i) there is an urgent or compelling need, (ii) only one source is capable of providing the service or supply, or (iii) the new work is a “logical follow-on” to work previously subject to the ordering procedures set forth in FAR 8.404. FAR 8.405-6(a).
- GSA has delegated all authority to procure medical supplies under the FSS Program to the Department of Veterans Affairs. FAR 38.000 and FAR 38.101(d).
- Inclusion of Privacy Act provisions is only required for contracts for (i) information technology which require security of IT, and/or (ii) the design, development or operation of a system of records using commercial information technology services or information technology support services. FAR 105.
- FAR 2 only applies to procurement of ICT (hardware, software, telecommunications, or webpage- based development services) as defined in section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. FAR 39.201.
- Under certain circumstances, the Government can authorize a prime contractor to make purchases from subcontractors under the terms and conditions of the subcontractor’s GSA Federal Supply Schedule contract. FAR 51.103.
- Subcontractors must treat any subcontract/order issued by a prime contractor under FAR 51.103 as if it is from the Government under its FSS Contract; that is, the subcontractor must pay a GSA FSS industrial funding fee based upon the amount of the order
- The current and prior versions of the FAR can be found online at acquisition.gov
Untimely Request for Reimbursement of Winning Protester’s Costs at the GAO
NextStep Technology, Inc. learned that the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) enforces all of its rules on reimbursement of protester’s costs. NextStep Tech, Inc., B-421743.2, August 16, 2024. Here was the protest timeline and request for costs: Jan....