Season 10: Episode 12 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our first eleven Episodes of Fun with the FAR Season 10!Our next session will cover: Part 17 (Special Contracting Methods) and Part 18 (Emergency Acquisitions) The key distinguishing difference between multi-year and multiple...

Season 10: Episode 11: Did You Know?

Good morning FUN with the FAR Friends! Episode 11 covered FAR 16 – Types of Contracts. Thank you for joining us for another great episode of FUN with the FAR! As a follow-up to Wednesday’s session, here are a few facts to ponder as we prepare for our next...

Season 10: Episode 11 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our first ten Episodes of Fun with the FAR Season 10!Our next session will cover: FAR Parts 16 (Types of Contracts) As we prepare for our eleventh episode of Season 10, here are a few FAR Facts for us to think about: Contract...

Season 10: Episode 10 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our first nine Episodes of Fun with the FAR Season 10!Our next session will cover: FAR Subpart 15.4 (Contract Pricing) As we prepare for our tenth episode of Season 10, here are a few FAR Facts for us to think about on contract...

Season 10: Episode 9 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our first eight Episodes of Fun with the FAR Season 10! During this session we learned about FAR Part 15 and negotiated contracts. Our next session will cover: FAR Parts 9 (Contractor Qualifications) and 14 (Sealed Bidding). As...