Fun with the FAR Parts 36, 37, 41, & 48

1. Contracting officers are required to procure architect-engineer services under FAR Part 15 negotiation procedures. FAR 36.103. 2. Contracts for the construction of a project shall not be awarded to the firm that designed the project, or to that firm’s subsidiaries...

Fun with the FAR Parts 34 & 35

1. The stages of a FAR Part 34 -Major System Acquisition are: Concept Formulation Demonstration & Validation Full-Scale Development Production FAR 34.005-3, -4, -5, and -6. 2. EVMS reports must be submitted by contractors on a monthly basis. FAR 34.201(c). 3....

Fun with the FAR Part 33

1. For purposes of FAR Part 33, the word “day” means “calendar day”. FAR 33.101. 2. An offeror can file a contract award protest at one of three venues: the agency that issued the solicitation, the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) or the U.S. Court of Federal...

Fun with the FAR Part 13

1.       Contracting officers are required to perform price a reasonableness analysis on all simplified acquisitions. FAR 13.106-3. 2.       Use of a SF 44 is the most common way the Government issues “purchase orders” under FAR Part 13. FAR...

Fun with the FAR Part 12

1.       Contracting officers should evaluate past performance in a commercial item procurement, but it is not mandatory. FAR 12.206. 2.       Firm-fixed price commercial item contracts/orders are exempt from CAS. FAR 12.214. CAS Board regulations also exempt labor...

Fun with the FAR Part 4

1.       The government is required to use electronic commerce whenever practicable or cost effective. FAR 4.502(a).  Agencies are permitted to accept electronic signatures and records in connection with government contracts. FAR 4.502(d). 2.       Contractors may...