Season 10: Episode 14 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our first thirteen Episodes of Fun with the FAR Season 10!Our next session will cover FAR Part 22 & FAR Part 23: FAR Part 22 (Application of Labor Laws to Government Acquisitions) and FAR Part 23 (Env’t, Energy and Water...


A contractor’s resubmission of a previous claim for payment was not a “new claim,” as explained below, and was merely a repeat, which was not timely filed with the Board.  BES Design/Build LLC v. General Services Admin., CBCA 7587, April 6, 2023.  Accordingly the...

Season 10: Episode 13 “FAR Facts”

Hello and thank you for joining us for our first twelve Episodes of Fun with the FAR Season 10!Our next session will cover: Part 19 (Small Business Programs) and Part 26 (Other Socioeconomic Programs) Depending upon its industry and North American Industry...