Case of the Month 2024: May

Slides | Recording PCI’s May Case of the Month Club program will take a slight detour from our normal offering, focusing on two somewhat mundane issues that can at times come roaring to life—SAM registration and small business size status.  Our experts will first...

Nuts, Bolts, and Beyond: To Be A Government Contractor

Slides | Recording Are you new to the world of government contracting or simply looking to refresh your knowledge? Whether you’re seeking to expand your business through government contracts or looking to gain a foundational understanding of GovCon, it’s vital to have...

Organizational Conflicts of Interest 2024

Slides | Scenarios | Day 1 Recording | Day 2 Recording This Organizational Conflicts of Interest Seminar will provide an in-depth analysis of both OCI theory and OCI practice. The workshop will first analyze different types of OCI’s, regulatory provisions in the FAR...

Labor Regulations 2024

Day 1: Slides | Recording Day 2: Slides | Recording Day 3: Slides | Recording The Service Contract Act (SCA) and related regulations look easy to grasp at first glance, but are very difficult to navigate in practice. In fact, they might just be some of the most...

Case of the Month 2024: April

Slides | Recording Please join our Case of the Month Club, a program in which our expert instructors will take a deep dive into recent decisions involving issues that affect all of us on a regular basis. This class, meant for contracting professionals, will focus on...

eLearning: Business Systems Series (9 Hours)

Baker Tilly and the Public Contracting Institute, present this business systems series addressing the requirements of the DFARS business systems rules.  This series, valuable to both DOD and other Federal agency contractors alike, will provide important guidance for...