- No events scheduled for November 10, 2023.
- No events scheduled for November 11, 2023.
- No events scheduled for November 12, 2023.
Week of Events
Annual Public Contracting Update Symposium – Featuring DCAA, DCMA, and Industry Speakers
Annual Public Contracting Update Symposium – Featuring DCAA, DCMA, and Industry Speakers
We are very thankful you have chosen PCI and are pleased to provide this important update free! November 7-8; 10:00am-3:30pm ET Live Virtual Panel Sessions Receive the latest compliance updates on Accounting, GovCon Law, Cost & Pricing, Cybersecurity, Incurred Cost Proposals, Purchasing, and More! The Public Contracting Institute (PCI) is pleased to invite you to […]
Government Contracting Fundamentals
Government Contracting Fundamentals
The Government Contracting Fundamentals course is a comprehensive overview and discussion of the federal government contracting process, including applicable procurement laws, regulations, and practical requirements. This "fundamentals" course is designed to be of benefit to both government and contractor personnel, including contracting officers, contract and subcontract administrators, program and item managers, finance and accounting personnel, […]
Government Contracting Fundamentals
Government Contracting Fundamentals
The Government Contracting Fundamentals course is a comprehensive overview and discussion of the federal government contracting process, including applicable procurement laws, regulations, and practical requirements. This "fundamentals" course is designed to be of benefit to both government and contractor personnel, including contracting officers, contract and subcontract administrators, program and item managers, finance and accounting personnel, […]
Case of the Month 2023 – November
Case of the Month 2023 – November
Our Election Day (Tues., Nov. 7, 2023) PCI Case of the Month Club program will leave you wanting to vote in favor of more programs just like it. Our experts Brian Walsh and Tracye Howard will discuss two recent—and important—decisions by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The first decision, SAGAM […]
DCAA Reviews – Requirements and Common Deficiencies
DCAA Reviews – Requirements and Common Deficiencies
https://publiccontractinginstitute.com/product/defense-contracting-audit-agency-reviews/ Join DCAA Representatives for this discussion of DCAA Reviews! Audits of cost assertions and their supporting business systems are a routine part of US Government contracting for those pursuing or awarded cost reimbursable contracts or contracts requiring submittal of certified cost or pricing data. The plethora of regulatory requirements and expectations makes compliance, at […]
Government Contracting Fundamentals
Government Contracting Fundamentals
The Government Contracting Fundamentals course is a comprehensive overview and discussion of the federal government contracting process, including applicable procurement laws, regulations, and practical requirements. This "fundamentals" course is designed to be of benefit to both government and contractor personnel, including contracting officers, contract and subcontract administrators, program and item managers, finance and accounting personnel, […]
FUN with the FAR℠ Season 2023: Part 44
FUN with the FAR℠ Season 2023: Part 44
26 Bi-Weekly* Sessions from January 11, 2022 to December 13, 2023 Covering each Part of the Federal Acquisition Regulation and created to make the FAR approachable and thought provoking for contracting professionals at all levels. This training is delivered in an innovative talk-show format with PCI’s most gregarious instructor Steve Daoust as your host and […]
Identifying Risks In Your Foreign Supply Chain 2023: Corruptions/FCPA
Identifying Risks In Your Foreign Supply Chain 2023: Corruptions/FCPA
Topics will include an overview of U.S. and international anti-corruption laws, including a discussion of recent news stories and “lessons learned” that you can help you glean strategies to ensure […]
Government Contracting Fundamentals
Government Contracting Fundamentals
The Government Contracting Fundamentals course is a comprehensive overview and discussion of the federal government contracting process, including applicable procurement laws, regulations, and practical requirements. This "fundamentals" course is designed to be of benefit to both government and contractor personnel, including contracting officers, contract and subcontract administrators, program and item managers, finance and accounting personnel, […]
Subcontracting Management from A to Z: Subcontract Management and Administration
Subcontracting Management from A to Z: Subcontract Management and Administration
Part 9: Subcontract Management and Administration Wrapping up our 9-part series is a discussion of best practices for subcontract management and administration. Join us as the Sheppard Mullin Supply Chain Management Team uses real-world examples to provide practical advice for managing your subcontractors and supply chains, scaling your internal processes and procedures to best meet […]
CAS: The Series 2023 – Assets & Material – CAS 404, 409 & 411
CAS: The Series 2023 – Assets & Material – CAS 404, 409 & 411
A 12-Episode interactive, and dare we say “fun”, series that guide students through the background and requirements of the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS). Each hour long episode of CAS – […]