- Per DFARS Subpart 215.371-2, contracting officers must promote competition, especially in the context of receipt of only one offer. However, even if more than one offer is received, the prices offered are not automatically fair or reasonable. Thus, contracting officers must still perform a price analysis.
- PGI 215.402 sets out procedures for buying supplies and services at fair and reasonable prices. Contracting officers have a responsibility to ensure fair and reasonable prices in all situations, and offerors have a corresponding responsibility to provide any relevant data the contracting officer might need to determine a fair and reasonable price, per FAR 15.402(a)(2).
- Per DFARS Subpart 215.470, the Government cannot ask for data it already has. If certain data were already submitted to the Government under another bid, the Government cannot ask for that data again. This helps keep contractors from accruing unnecessary costs when formulating their bids.
DFUN with the DFARS Part 225 – DFAR FUN Facts
Enjoy these FUN Facts about a specific DFAR. DFARS 225 covers Foreign Acquisition. Learn more about the DFARS by joining DFUN with the DFARS, taught by Lou Chiarella and David Drabkin. A “Qualifying Country” is a country from a list of twelve or fifteen countries...