Public Contracting Institute Blog

The Public Contracting Institute blog supplement our govcon training offerings with insightful articles written by leading professionals across the government contracts industry.  Our  professionals publish articles on topics on government contracts administration, accounting, bids/proposals, disputes, claims, and much more.  For more inforamation about our blog, reach out to

Additionally, look for the PCI Practical Matters Podcast, coming soon!  It will cover the latest news in our industry, along with insightful commentary on the most important topics in Government Contracting.

Eliminate Price Proposals?

Eliminate Price Proposals by Darrell Oyer, Darrell J. Oyer & Company:  A recent article in the Federal Times suggests that DOD "should-cost" reviews be used as an alternative to contractor price proposals.  The rationale is that because should-cost review teams...

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Afterthoughts: FAPIIS

Following each Nash & Schooner Hot Topics Webinar event, we interview Professor Ralph Nash to get his thoughts on the topic following the panel discussion.  On September 27, Professors Ralph Nash and Steven Schooner hosted special guest James McCullough, Fried...

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Sequestration: Preparing for the Inevitable

Guest Author: Elizabeth A. Ferrell, McKenna Long & Aldridge. Last August, Congress passed the Budget Control Act of 2011.  This law authorized raising the debt ceiling, established caps on discretionary spending, and put a process in place to reduce the federal...

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