Fun with the FAR Part 51

Under certain circumstances, the Government can authorize a prime contractor to make purchases from subcontractors under the terms and conditions of the subcontractor’s GSA Federal Supply Schedule contract. FAR 51.103. Subcontractors must treat any subcontract/order...

Fun with the FAR Part 8

The Government may only use the GSA Federal Supply Schedule Program (“FSS”) to procure commercial items (supplies or services) offered under a contractor’s FSS contract at firm fixed, labor hour, and/or time and materials pricing.  FAR 8.404.  Firm fixed price orders...

Fun with the FAR Part 7

Acquisition plans for other than fixed priced contracts must be approved and signed by a procurement official at least one level above the contracting officer. FAR 7.103(j). The government’s “acquisition planner” does not need to be the assigned Contracting...

Fun with the FAR Part 11

The Government’s use of “performance specifications” is preferred over “design specifications”. FAR 11.104(a). The use of a liquidated damages clause should be limited to those contract where timely delivery is critically important to the Government’s mission and the...

Fun with the FAR Parts 5 & 6

1.      An award of a government contract to a single government contractor is required to be published only if (i) the value of the contract exceeds $25,000 and (ii) the contract is likely to result in the award of subcontracts. FAR 5.301.   2.      Awards of...