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Commercial Item Contracting

July 11, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

PCI is presenting a four-part webinar series taught by Baker Tilly and Miller & Chevalier to explain FAR coverage on Commercial Item Acquisition and will highlight the contracting process, terms and conditions, and current issues associated with buying and selling commercial products and services.

Over the past few years, the federal government’s commercial item procurement has become an important focal point for acquisition reform. Capitol Hill has initiated a number of legislative actions that signal a push to federal agencies to reduce reliance on government-unique supplies and services and to extricate themselves from what is often a slow, protracted acquisition process.

The Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 (FASA) was put into place to counteract many of these same issues. At the time, FASA was a paradigm shift in federal contracting, but it has slowly been eroded by an inertia toward the perceived comfort and safety of traditional cost/profit analysis.

Given the statutory push in recent years, government and contractors find themselves operating in an environment where they could very well see a renewed openness to commercial item procurements from DOD (and possibly government-wide). This timely webinar series addresses this current state of commercial contracting today.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this four-module series, attendees should:

  • Understand the Federal government’s preference to procure commercial items.
  • Become familiar with the FAR Part 12 regulatory guidance for conducting commercial item procurements.
  • Know how to apply the several FAR Part 2 definitions of commercial items.
  • Learn the FAR procedures for Commercial item contracting.
  • Know how Commercial Item Determinations (CIDs) are made and how to prepare adequate documentation.
  • Understand the required contract terms and conditions for commercial items and some common additional clauses.
  • Learn how to apply techniques for supporting fair and reasonable pricing, i.e., price analysis and cost analysis.
  • Become acquainted with Federal Supply Schedules and GSA’s E-commerce Portals Program.
  • Understand DCMA’s Commercial Item Group and recent DoD policy changes relevant to commercial item contracting.

While the focus on commercial item contracting is by no means a “new” concept within the contracting community, recent statutory and regulatory developments have brought it back into the limelight. This presents an opportunity to reexamine how items have been procured historically and, where practical, to utilize more commercial item exemptions to alleviate some of the compliance risks and administrative burdens of FAR Part 15 acquisitions.’


Jason Workmaster, Miller & Chevalier

Elizabeth Bair, BakerTilly

Commercial Item Contracting


July 11, 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:


John Plinke

